Passage Through India

An Expanded and Illustrated Edition

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9781593761783 | Paperback 7-1/2 x 9-1/4 | 152 pages Buy it Now

Book Description

In 1962 Gary Snyder, with his wife, the poet Joanne Kyger, joined Allen Ginsberg and his companion Peter Orlovsky for a long trip to India and surrounding countries. As always, Snyder kept extensive journals of his travels and, in this particular case, also wrote the whole account in one long letter to his sister. It was an amazing trip, and one that eventually took on legendary status as an iconic Beat Voyage. Complete with slides and photographs, Passage Through India takes us on a journey that transcends time.

About the Author

Praise For This Book

"Whether he's writing poetry or prose, Snyder is direct and plainspoken, exuding the sort of authority earned by sustained contemplation and honest work."